Virtual Trainers: Are You Asking the Right Questions About the Cloud?

Since the economic downturn of 2008, training organizations have been asked to do more with less. I’ve heard from many of our customers that training budgets were the first to be cut, which is now forcing a shift in how training is delivered. Many customers have chosen not to travel to remote training facilities and

So, Skytap—What Are You Anyhow?

Considering the pace at which cloud computing is moving, it’s no surprise that many have a tough time putting their finger on what an ever-expanding array of vendors are actually delivering. No need to worry, as I don’t plan to spend this post pontificating on the liberal application of the term “cloud”–or even “cloud washing”

See You at Agile Development West: June 13 and 14

Skytap is a proud gold sponsor of Agile Development Conference West 2012–six days of interaction between industry experts and peers in the agile community, with learning sessions that help IT professionals make a powerful impact in their job roles and organizations. About the event: Discover Agile Development Conference West 2012 and take back the latest

Software Demos and Evaluations: Five Successful Habits for Selecting a Cloud Provider

Since the introduction of client/server architecture in the early 1980s, enterprise computing has only become more complicated. Because of this, enterprise applications are incredibly hard to showcase during a software demonstration to a potential prospect or customer. With a constantly evolving product and large sales force, it becomes even more difficult to guarantee that your

George Carlin Would Have Loved Hybrid Clouds

George Carlin’s bit on the importance of “stuff” is a comedy classic. As human beings, we have an innate need to acquire, hold, move, and find places to put our stuff. In our personal and professional lives, acquiring stuff can give us a sense of accomplishment, security, and control. Historically, acquiring stuff has been common practice

A Revolution in Virtual Training

In Part 1 of this two-part series, we’ll look at the challenges that face training professionals in today’s enterprise learning climate, and how the cloud is helping to overcome them. Can you take traditional training online and achieve the same learning outcomes? The challenges facing training organizations continue to grow. Companies need to provide software

Lab Manager EOL: Migrate Your Lab Environments to the Cloud

In parts one and two of this three-part series, we looked at options for organizations that are currently running vCenter Lab Manager in light of the VMware decision to discontinue additional major releases. In part three, we will explore the option of transitioning to a third-party virtual lab management product. The Move to the Cloud The

Lab Manager EOL: Transitioning to a New Product

In part one of this three-part series, we looked at options for organizations that are currently running Lab Manager in light of the VMware decision to discontinue additional major releases of vCenter Lab Manager. In part 2, we’ll explore the option of transitioning to a new product. Transition to a Different Virtual Lab Management Product

Lab Manager EOL: Weighing Your Options

In early 2011, VMware announced its decision to discontinue additional major releases of vCenter Lab Manager. This leaves organizations that are currently running Lab Manager at a crossroads. They need to determine whether it’s best for them to continue using the virtual lab infrastructure that is already in place, or consider other options for their

7 Habits of Highly Effective Cloud Architects – Part Two

Lat week we posted part one of our series: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Cloud Architects. This week we will cover habits 3 through 5. Habit #3: Empower your users with self-service & create internal evangelists As an IT architect, teams count on you to drive rapid innovation within your organization.  Cloud computing promises to

Why You Need to Transition Your IT Sandbox Environments to the Cloud

Today’s IT managers are facing a classic conundrum. On the one hand, we all recognize that IT sandbox environments are an emerging necessity. Companies increasingly need a place for dynamic workloads, such as migration and software evaluations, security testing, pre-production test beds, training sessions and IT labs.  And yet, these IT sandbox environments typically aren’t

Keeping the Cloud Under Control

It’s no surprise that enterprises are continuing to increase their reliance on cloud computing. Users are ripe to take advantage of the cloud’s undeniable benefits including self-service freedom, flexibility, availability, scalability, and the simple joy of not having challenges related to hardware and software deployments. However, many business leaders have expressed concern about the security