How IBM Overcame Complex Technical Training Challenges in the Cloud

Example of IBM Remote Labs technical training complexity

Effectively—and efficiently—delivering complex technical training to globally distributed teams is a major challenge for many in the enterprise. IBM delivers hundreds of scheduled events each week to more than two-thousand students a month. With the closing of a data center in France, Bob Blessing-Hartley, CTO for IBM Remote Labs, had to decide how to continue to deliver impactful, complex technical training to their growing audience.

Bob joined us on a recent webinar to share the details of IBM’s journey to cloud-based, hands-on labs, and how the migration has resulted in benefits like:

  • More than $3 million saved in operating costs
  • A 50% reduction in connectivity/latency-related service requests
  • Reaching more students
  • An enhanced student experience
IBM's process and benefits of training migration to cloud-based labs
IBM’s process and benefits of training migration to cloud-based labs

We invite you to hear Bob’s story around the impressive delivery of technical training for IBM products by checking out the webinar below, now available for your on-demand, self-paced access!

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