Information Week’s recent cover story talks about how and why more companies are opting to move their development testing labs from traditional in-house infrastructures to new cloud-based test labs. But beyond the glossy descriptions of compelling benefits, Information Week goes a layer deeper to the key question that I hear many enterprises asking: What are the first steps to getting started?
The article then jumps right in, saying:
“If you’re ready to move your lab to the cloud, start by transitioning some applications or services there. Public cloud services are easy and cheap to try out. You can customize the networking, hardware, and storage properties of the public cloud to match your in-house test labs, and you can easily scale these configurations to hundreds of concurrent machines that represent thousands of users. Each configuration is completely isolated, so you can run multiple environments concurrently without impacting other users.”
And you know what? They are exactly right. Feel free to download a full copy of the Information Week article. And good luck getting started!