Today, voke, inc. officially announced the availability of their latest publication, titled, Market Snapshot TM Report: Virtual and Cloud-based Labs. The report was written by voke founders Theresa Lanowitz and Lisa Dronzek, and it features the results of a recent survey they conducted on the concept of “lifecycle virtualization.” LV is centered around the idea of introducing virtualization to the pre-production areas of the SDLC in order to truly deliver what voke refers to as, “the next generation enterprise.”
I got the opportunity to get my hands on a copy of this survey a little in advance, and I still today keep finding bits and pieces of feedback from those surveyed that continue to blow me away. The differences in the answers between those who are leveraging LV, and those who are not, are just incredible.
There’s a quote in today’s press release that I really love. While many out there cringe at the phrase “best practices” as it reminds them of promises of the “silver bullets” of agile, and other arguables—I don’t know how you argue against LV, and the virtual and cloud-based labs that voke really focused on in this survey. Theresa says:
As organizations strive to be global, connected, and software-driven, virtual and cloud-based lab solutions are an absolute necessity for organizations of all sizes and types, to help them keep pace with the needs of the business and be a next generation enterprise…Enterprises should allow innovation and creativity to flourish in the software lifecycle by adopting virtual or cloud-based lab solutions, to free their teams from manual, error-prone, and time-consuming tasks.
These “manual, error-prone, and time-consuming tasks” aren’t just labeled as such by Theresa, they’re directly called out by the surveyed testing audience as their number one headaches, hinderances, and threats to overall software quality and deliverability.
I can’t recommend reading voke’s report highly enough, and I’m thrilled that Skytap has chosen to offer it as a complimentary download to our site’s visitors.
I’m also looking to speak with those who’ve read the survey, to learn more about how lifecycle virtualization, or its absence(!), is impacting your own ability to deliver quality software, and meet your customers’ demands. If interested in being anonymously quoted in a future story, please reach out to me at nwurst@skytap.com. Thank you!