Upcoming Webinar: Maximizing Skytap on Amazon Web Services

​As you might have heard, we recently launched support for Skytap on Amazon Web Services. Skytap on AWS is ideal for dev/test teams who want a fast on-ramp to AWS and need to quickly and repeatedly deploy complex application environments. If your team is using AWS for production applications, you can now use Skytap to

Product Manager Matt Ayers on Skytap’s Integration with Amazon Web Services

Hi folks, I’m a product manager here at Skytap and I wanted to take some time to talk about our newly-launched support for Skytap on Amazon Web Services. Since beginning a private beta program last November, we’ve been working closely with our customers who use AWS, and after receiving extensive customer feedback, we are releasing

Caught! The Real Culprit of Shadow IT

Once you learn the definition of shadow IT, it shouldn’t be too shocking to learn how widespread it is at companies large and small all over the world. I hate to assume, but the odds are, that you yourself have used a non-IT approved SaaS option for the same reason as everyone else, myself included.

Our Latest Skytap Comic Strip Collection

It’s time for another roundup of our popular weekly Bitstrips column. These make us laugh about our lives in the SaaS industry, and we hope you enjoy them, too. And don’t forget—you can always be the first to see our new comics by following us on Twitter! Want to help us with a title for

Webinar: Tips to Achieve Continuous Integration and Delivery

It’s safe to say that most companies are looking to gain an advantage in today’s hyper-competitive software market. Businesses are constantly striving to develop, test, and release better software faster, but how is this made possible? Continuously integrating, testing, and delivering new applications. Join Skytap and Orasi on Tuesday, April 15th, at 2pm EST/11am PST

Geometric Value in Continuous Integration

This is a guest post from Orasi software consultant, David Guimbellot. This piece was originally published on the software testing-focused blog, EyeOnQA.com. One of the most important measurements in software development is related to the defect queue. I don’t mean simply the count of defects. A queue has a depth, latency, service time and throughput. The

On-Demand: The Concept of Hybrid Applications

​In our recent webinar, “The Concept of Hybrid Applications,” Seth Payne, Sr. Technical Product Manager for Skytap, took a look at a growing trend amongst forward-thinking enterprise teams. With the growth of cloud computing, technical managers are looking for ways to leverage this emerging platform to improve performance, reduce costs, and better serve their users.

Theresa Lanowitz on Solving Age-Old Problems in the Enterprise

Noel: Hello, this is Noel Wurst with Skytap and I am speaking with Theresa Lanowitz today, who is the founder of voke. Theresa is going to be giving a keynote at this year’s STAREAST conference on May 8, in Orlando, Florida. The keynote is titled “Extreme Automation: Software Quality for the Next Generation Enterprise.” I wanted

Cloud Biology: Enterprise Evolution Ramps Up

I’d love to take a poll (feel free to share your opinion in the comments section below) on whether software should be considered a living organism in the purist biological sense. Sure, software is made up of code instead of cells, and it may have trouble finding a home in the classic taxonomic rank of

Webinar: The Concept of Hybrid Applications

With the growth of cloud computing, technical managers are looking for ways to leverage this emerging platform to improve performance, reduce costs, and better serve their users. Due to the complexity of enterprise applications and their dependence on legacy systems, many have concluded that moving to the cloud is simply impossible. Please join Skytap for

Will DevOps Become the Norm? Your Customers Sure Hope So.

All prognosticators, even us who simply roll out a single annual list, hope for two things: one, that your predictions get a lot of traction and shares across the industry, and two, that you end up actually being correct. Anil Batra’s list of 2014 predictions has turned a lot of heads, largely due to the

Rob Myers on Using TDD with Enterprise Development

Noel Wurst: Hello, this is Noel Wurst, with Skytap, and I am interviewing Rob Myers today. Rob Myers is an Agile coach and instructor and also the founder of the Agile institute. How are you doing today Rob? Rob Myers: Good. How are you? Noel Wurst: Great, doing great. I interviewed Rob about a year

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