Skytap Team Returns from STARWEST

The Skytap team just returned from STARWEST (Software Testing Analysis & Review West Conference)—the premier software testing conference that showcases the most up-to-date information, tools, and technologies available in the industry today. Over the course of the event, our team had several conversations with QA managers who expressed an interest in moving QA and development

Do VMware’s Hands-on Labs Spell the End of Home Labs?

Last week, VMware expert Edward Grigson produced a blog entitled, Online virtualisation labs come of age that poses the question: Will VMware’s Hands-on Labs spell the end of home labs? In his piece he discusses the fact that, until recently, there were no public cloud services that allowed users to experiment with the hypervisor layer.

Can DevOps Turn IT into a Strategic Weapon?

Development, IT Operations, and business stakeholders who have teamed up to build a strong DevOps culture may be wondering if there is room to take things to the next level. Is it possible to use the DevOps methodology to build a competitive advantage? Damon Edwards of says yes. Yesterday, Damon produced an interesting piece

White Paper: VMware ESXi in a Cloud-based Lab

Our latest white paper, VMware ESXi in a Cloud-based Lab, is out today. The following is an excerpt: VMware ESXi is VMware’s vSphere hypervisor, used to run multiple virtual servers on a single physical server. It’s available in a free version (called the Free VMware vSphere Hypervisor) and commercial editions such as vSphere Enterprise Plus.

Virtual Private PaaS, Featuring Cloud Foundry Integration

Today, we’re proud to announce our Virtual Private Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution that features the ability to spin up pre-configured, multi-VM Cloud Foundry environments in Skytap Cloud in fewer than 60 seconds. By using a secure VPN connection from Skytap Cloud to on-premise infrastructure, enterprise IT and development teams can have instant, on-demand access to a secure, self-contained, network-isolated Cloud Foundry environment

Dev/Test: 3 Habits for Running a Successful Cloud Trial

​Having personally helped hundreds of companies evaluate Skytap as a development and testing cloud provider, I wanted to pass along my top 3 habits for running a successful cloud trial. If you worked through the suggestions in my previous blog piece: Questions to Ask When Vetting a Cloud Service Provider, you will have a foundation

Five Ways the Cloud Can Supercharge Agile Development

Time. Development and test teams never have enough of it. Now more than ever before, development and test are under constant pressure to release quality features as quickly as possible. In fact, results from a 2011 Serena survey show that developers rank delivering applications faster as their number one priority, even more important than reducing

Cushman & Wakefield Invests in the Cloud

Creating great software on time and on budget is no small task. And like all businesses, Cushman & Wakefield—the world’s largest privately held real estate service firm—has faced an increasingly complex and fast moving market, with demands for shorter response times to IT requests and a desire to enhance productivity of development and test teams.

Trek Ascends to the Cloud with Skytap

Aging infrastructure is one reason that many companies make the decision to integrate cloud solutions. Trek, one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in the world, had a point-of-sale software called Ascend, with a development and test IT infrastructure based on an old VMware environment consisting of four servers, a SAN storage system, and limited on-premises

Watch SmartClient at Work

SmartClient™ is our latest feature release that offers a fast, easy, and secure way to remotely access and interact with the complex computing environments you create in Skytap Cloud™. It offers the flexibility of using the SmartClient Java-based browser applet or any Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)-capable client on any device including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and

Everything Dev/Test at Agile West

We’re back from two days at the Agile Development West Conference, and we learned some interesting things. We spoke to many developers, test engineers, IT, and architects about development and testing–and the main pain point we heard over and over again is how long it takes to provision an environment on-premise. That is definitely an

Slashdot TV Interview With Brett Goodwin on Skytap Cloud

At last month’s Interop Conference in Las Vegas, Slashdot TV stopped by the Skytap booth to speak with Brett Goodwin, our VP of Marketing and Business Development. In the interview, Brett elaborates on the features and capabilities of Skytap Cloud™ and how application developers and testers use our product to collaborate and do more faster.