Give traditional systems new life in the cloud

Migrate entire IBM Power estates, including applications, data, and networking configurations to the cloud without rewriting or refactoring using Skytap on Azure.

Workload Migration

Workload migration to cloud involves moving data and applications from an on-premises environment to a cloud-based one. Workload migration is essentially the bridge between traditional IT and modern, scalable solutions. This transition has opened the door to numerous possibilities. First, it allows for greater scalability. It also provides opportunities for cost savings, as many cloud providers operate on a pay-as-you-go model. This flexibility means that businesses only end up paying for the resources they use.

However, the migration of a workload to the cloud can be complex. Factors ranging from application architecture to data volume must be considered, and each cloud provider goes about things a little differently. The decision to move to a specific cloud provider like Azure might also be driven by existing agreements, the familiarity of IT staff with the platform, or specific features the business wishes to leverage. Azure workload migration is just one of the many options businesses have when looking to transition their operations.

Legacy IT systems can sometimes present challenges when transitioning to a cloud environment. Their architectures are often based on outdated technologies, and they aren’t always designed with the flexibility and scalability that the cloud offers. As such, organizations are faced with the decision of whether to move as-is (often referred to as “lift and shift”), replace, update, or integrate them into the new cloud environment.

The move to the cloud is not just a change of location for IT systems—it’s an opportunity for transformation. And the success of this type of transformative change hinges on the cloud modernization strategy in place. Businesses might adopt new architectures or streamline their processes using cloud-native tools. A well-defined strategy ensures that the move to the cloud truly transforms the organization from the inside out, making it more agile and ready to face the challenges of the digital age.

What is Workload Migration

So, what is workload migration? The official workload migration definition refers to the strategic transfer of an organization’s digital operations, encompassing applications, data, and system processes, from one environment to another with minimal disruption to business functions.

A successful migration, particularly when transitioning to a cloud environment, is heavily reliant on workload migration tools. These tools facilitate different aspects of the migration process, from initial assessment and planning to the actual transfer and post-migration optimization.

What is workload migration to cloud? Workload migration to the cloud is the relocation of workloads to cloud platforms. An Azure workload, for instance, may be preferred by those seeking to leverage the Azure platform. It offers a suite of services tailored for diverse needs, from data analytics to AI, making it a desirable destination for many workloads.

A structured approach or workload migration methodology is critical for successful transitions. This methodology ensures efficiency, security, and performance throughout the migration process. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Assessment: The first step involves a comprehensive analysis of the current infrastructure. Businesses need to understand the applications, data, dependencies, and any potential risks involved. This is also the stage where they identify the applications and data sets that are most ideal for migration and which ones might need refactoring or replacement.
  2. Planning: The next phase in the process requires detailed planning. This step includes selecting the right cloud service model (IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS), determining the order of migration for different applications, and setting a clear timeline for the migration process.
  3. Tool Selection: Given the plethora of cloud workload migration tools available on the market today, it can be hard to pick the right ones. Companies should define their specific needs and focus on the solutions that are most aligned with those needs. 
  4. Migration Execution: Migration execution is the process of actually transferring data and applications. Workload migration tools play a critical role here, especially for large-scale migrations. They help ensure that data remains intact and applications are correctly configured in their new environment.
  5. Testing: Post-migration, it’s important to test all migrated applications and data. See that they function as expected, with all features and services operational. Any discrepancies or issues should be promptly addressed.
  6. Optimization: After successful migration and testing, businesses often look for optimization opportunities. This might involve refactoring applications to better leverage cloud-native features, or adjusting resource allocations to ensure cost efficiency.
  7. Monitoring & Management: Continuous monitoring of the migrated workloads is essential. Regularly check to make sure they’re performing optimally and are secure. 

Legacy application migration to Azure is one of the most common migration processes, due largely to Azure’s broad appeal. Older applications come with a host of challenges, but moving them to Azure with Azure cloud migration tools can help get them up to speed with modern demands. You might also be surprised to learn that some legacy applications, including those running on IBM Power, can be migrated to Azure as-is with Skytap

Application migration to Azure may also encompass modern applications that are already cloud-ready. The challenge here is less about compatibility and more about ensuring seamless integration with Azure’s suite of services, efficient resource allocation, and optimal performance. An effective Azure workload is contingent on having a solid workload migration program, further underscoring the need for outlining a detailed strategy ahead of time. 

Migration Services

The modern tech landscape has seen a major shift to the cloud in recent years. While many businesses go about this process on their own, others employ the help of workload migration services. One of the most common services offered is application workload migration. As businesses grow and technology evolves, there’s an increasing need to move software applications from their original environments to new platforms. 

This migration isn’t just about physically moving an application, but ensuring it integrates and functions properly within its new setting. For some organizations, this might mean transferring a CRM system from a local server to a cloud environment; for others, it might involve moving a suite of applications to a hybrid cloud.

But it’s not only modern applications that need to be shifted. Historical data, often housed in outdated systems, must also make this journey—a process known as legacy data migration. The task here is twofold: ensuring the completeness and integrity of data during its transfer and adapting or converting this data so it’s usable in its new home.

A popular destination for both applications and data in recent years is Microsoft Azure. Cloud infrastructure on Azure encompasses a comprehensive suite of services, tools, and integrations to manage workloads. The versatility and breadth of Azure’s offerings make it an attractive option, but moving to such an environment requires careful planning and expertise.

Having an app modernization strategy is key to making this process run smoother. They also help promote a secure workload migration. The best tools don’t just protect data as it moves, but ensure the target environment is fortified against potential threats. For example, some tools encrypt data in transit and feature robust access controls. Whether you’re looking to migrate workloads to Azure or elsewhere, security is paramount. 

There are many cloud infrastructure components involved in the transition to the cloud. There are also plenty of software challenges involved, which is why it’s so crucial to have a trusted partner by your side throughout the process.

Skytap on Azure

Skytap on Azure enables users to migrate and modernize their traditional applications in the cloud while preserving existing investments in application infrastructure. This service provides a self-service, multi-tenant public cloud environment that can run IBM Power and x86 workloads facilitating a seamless transition to the cloud for an organization. 

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