What’s Your Cloud Strategy? A “Diversified Portfolio” of Options [Podcast]

It’s the latest episode of The Skytap Podcast! This week we’re joined by JP Morgenthal, CTO for Americas’ Digital Applications at CSC. Skytap’s Dan Jones and JP discuss solving the challenges of multi-cloud adoption, so listen now, download for later, or read the full transcript below! Noel: I was on the Tech Evangelist Blog about a

How Skytap Complements, not Competes with, Puppet and Chef

Skytap is occasionally asked if our cloud overlaps with provisioning and deployment tools like Puppet, Chef, OpenStack Heat, etc. Given Skytap’s ability to make complete clones of working virtual data centers, the confusion is understandable. While Skytap and provisioning tools do have some conceptual overlap, their roles are distinct in practice and are actually best

Upcoming DevOps Executive Summits to Showcase Powerful New Initiative

Skytap participates in a number of events around the globe each year, but none are perhaps more well-received than our roadshow-style summits where we get the chance to collaborate with leaders in the software development, testing, and IT operations communities. We’re about to kick-off a new series, our DevOps Executive Summits, and we’re expanding them

Calculating the TCO of Testing Environment Migration

The ability to continuously deliver new customer-facing applications and services can mean the difference between sinking or swimming in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Because companies want software delivered faster, they split developers into smaller, more agile teams so they can work in parallel. But when distributed teams have to share the same development and testing

Breaking Down Puppet’s 2016 State of DevOps Report [Podcast]

On this week’s episode, we’re joined by Puppet CIO & VP of operations, Nigel Kersten to discuss Puppet’s 2016 State of DevOps Report. Special guests Anders Wallgreen, CTO at Elecric Cloud, and Dan Jones, Skytap Director of Product Management join this discussion by offering some of their favorite findings from this awesome annual report. We’ve

Continuous Delivery of Fully Functional Environments at Skytap (Part 2)

Robust DevOps practice necessitates modular and automatic construction of software and infrastructure. At Skytap, we leverage our own customer-facing services to construct a delivery pipeline that allows engineers in operations, test, and development to collaborate at every point of the software delivery lifecycle (SDLC). We ultimately deliver working clones of our production environment that can

How IBM Overcame Complex Technical Training Challenges in the Cloud

Effectively—and efficiently—delivering complex technical training to globally distributed teams is a major challenge for many in the enterprise. IBM delivers hundreds of scheduled events each week to more than two-thousand students a month. With the closing of a data center in France, Bob Blessing-Hartley, CTO for IBM Remote Labs, had to decide how to continue to deliver

Application Modernization from an Operations Perspective [Video]

In the video below, Skytap CTO and VP of Engineering, Brad Schick, explains the disconnect between newly developed software, particularly that which was designed to run in the cloud, and older, “traditional” applications that were not orchestrated with the cloud or automation in mind. While there may always be differences in the speeds at which

NBCUniversal Code Quality Improved by “Orders of Magnitude”

IBM recently hosted a webinar with NBCUniversal DevOps platform manager John Comas to talk about some of the changes that have taken place after prioritizing environmental access and efficiency. We’ve pulled out some of the highlights that stood out to us, but we encourage you to view the webinar as a whole, which can be

Continuous Delivery of Fully Functional Environments at Skytap (Part 1)

At Skytap, we face the same challenges as our customers in developing and releasing high-quality software quickly. Often, the most painful stages of the software development lifecycle are the integration phase (when independently developed components run together for the first time) and the release phase (when new features face production workloads for the first time).

Why Should We Move Our VMware Applications Off-premises? [Video]

Even with all of the gains in scalability that the cloud can bring to on-premises workloads, there are questions you should ask before beginning any migration. We recently published a Cloud Migration Guide to assist companies at the evaluation stage of making such a migration, and just last week, Skytap cloud solution architect Ralph Capasso

Self-paced Training Dominates Recent B2B Learn Roundtable

Some of our favorite events in 2016 have been the B2B Learn technical training roundtables that we’ve held in cities around the US. These discussions have been a great opportunity for members of the training community to collaborate with each other—and without getting any sales pitch from us. I had the privilege of moderating our