How We’re Extending Visibility and Control Capabilities in the Cloud

Visibility and usage controls are rarely touted today because many public cloud providers simply don’t offer them. We’re dedicated to helping developers, testers, and IT ops teams increase the efficiency of their usage of Skytap. By utilizing a range of Skytap tools that simplify maintaining visibility and control, our customers prevent the overages and inefficiency

Skytap Featured in LogiGear’s “Testing in the World of DevOps”

Skytap was recently invited to share our thoughts around application modernization in the latest issue of LogiGear’s excellent quarterly magazine. Senior director of product management, Sumit Mehrotra, stepped up to the plate to explain Skytap’s position on cloud-based environments, containerization and more. After checking out this abridged version of Sumit’s interview, we encourage you to head

Skytap Signs New Tech Inclusion Pledge

As a professional woman working in HR & Recruiting in the tech industry for more than 20 years, I have experienced progressive changes in the culture of companies my colleagues and I work with every day. Companies have moved from a lack of understanding to a lot of talk to finally realization and action. I’m

QA-driven DevOps: An Interview with Tanya Kravtsov

Who most often leads DevOps initiatives and transformations? Does the order normally come from executive leadership? Developers? IT Operations? While the answer varies from company to company, one department you don’t often hear about leading the charge is QA. QA director at Audible, Tanya Kravtsov, joins us this week on The Skytap Podcast. We discuss her role

New Powershell Module Increases Feature Accessibility

Our June release included a new feature that simplifies using the Skytap RESTful API from Windows Powershell. I sat down with our own Mike Measel to find out how this new Powershell module helps our customers automate environment and VM visibility, reporting, and management. Learn more about using Powershell with Skytap from our help documentation, or

Are You Moving Your VM Sprawl Problem to the Cloud?

I spoke on a panel about a month ago at a Mitchell developer’s conference, and a question was raised around how does Mitchell avoid cloud cost overruns. I thought this was a good question, and, after reading a recent LinkedIn article on out-of-control cloud OpEx, I wanted to present my thoughts on the matter in

Skytap Driver Now Available for Docker Machine

We are thrilled to announce the technical preview of a Docker Machine driver built specifically for Skytap. Docker Machine is an essential part of the Docker Toolbox. It is used to remotely provision and manage Docker hosts. Utilizing a driver model, Docker Machine can be used with a number of different local virtual providers such

#c9d9 Recap: Creating an Internal Dev/Test Cloud

The need to speed up feedback loops, simplify dev/test processes and collaboration, and also save on infrastructure costs — have led many organizations to create an internal dev/test cloud to standardize their processes. On Tuesday, I participated in an online panel on the subject of Creating an Internal Dev/Test Cloud as part of Continuous Discussions

Planning for Long-term Test Automation Success [Podcast]

From automating infrastructure and environment provisioning to code/release deployment—and everything in-between—automation is on everyone’s minds these days. While some are just getting their automation initiatives off the ground, others are well on their way and are now looking for what’s next as they attempt to scale their efforts throughout the enterprise. This week on The

Finding the Confidence to Combat Bimodal IT

We work hard at Skytap to help organizations take large and complex legacy applications and create viable test environments that allow these applications to be safely changed. This supports the goals of continuous delivery while recognizing that highly changeable, microservice-style architectures are unlikely to spring up overnight – so making cumbersome application environments quickly adaptable

Your Room is Ready: Hospitality Modernization at [Podcast]

  The rise of the popularity and functionality of mobile apps and wearables has created tremendous growth, but for one industry in particular, there have been an equal amount of disruption and challenges along the way. The hospitality industry provides memorable and rewarding experiences for customers through the use of mobile apps and wearables, but a

Why Training Organizations Must Combat Continental Drift [Podcast]

While combatting continental drift in the true geographic sense would be foolish, working to turn the tides that have pushed departmental continents away from each other is mandatory for meeting today’s business demands. And no department has perhaps drifted further away from the rest of Pangea as training/learning and development. Our special guest on this week’s