Evaluating Application Modernization Solutions: Part I

As enterprises continue to move their existing, traditional applications to the cloud, Skytap has helped smooth this migration by enabling our customers to quickly and easily collaborate around cloud-based development and test environments. By giving teams the ability to provision complex environments on-demand and with one-click access—all while giving IT full control and visibility into environment usage—we’ve helped enterprises quickly realize the value that goes beyond leveraging cloud infrastructure alone.

Skytap senior director of products, Sumit Mehrotra, recently shared a roadmap for application modernization that many of our customers have used, as well as a popular “4Cs framework” that  can be used to evaluate the tools available for helping you transform your software development and delivery processes.

We’ve recorded Sumit’s presentation, and are thrilled to present it as part of our continuing technical series, “Scaling Modern Software Delivery.” This will be a three-part presentation, so be sure and visit the Skytap blog again soon, or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to be the first to know when we’ve published new chapters!

Update: Chapter II now available!

ScalingDeliveryBannerAs we stated earlier, this roadmap and evaluation framework is not only recommended, it’s being used by enterprises today who are moving to the cloud, beginning DevOps initiatives, increasing agility across the software delivery lifecycle. We highly recommend joining us again soon for parts II and III to this presentation, as well as checking out the rest of our technical series!


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