Technical Series Kickoff: Scaling Modern Software Delivery


Chapter 1: How I Learned to Love Environment Proliferation
Chapter 2: Continuous Delivery Decision Points: Getting Software Safely into Production
Chapter 3: DevOps Practices for Systems of Record (Podcast)
Chapter 4: Is Agile a Prerequisite for Beginning DevOps Initiatives?
Chapter 5: Tipping the DevOps Scale: An Interview with Gary Gruver
Chapter 6: What’s in Your DevOps Toolchain?
Chapter 7: Evaluating Application Modernization Solutions: Part I
Chapter 8: Evaluating Application Modernization Solutions: Part II
Chapter 9: Evaluating Application Modernization Solutions: Part III (Conclusion)
Chapter 10: The Case for Replicant Production
Chapter 11: Finding the Confidence to Combat Bimodal IT

Skytap works to help organizations solve key issues in software delivery. Some of these issues have plagued development, testing, and IT teams for years, and some deal with emerging technologies that are challenging the status quo, and are presenting real challenges to organizations.

We have some pretty strong opinions on the best ways to embrace these types of changes today, and they boil down to the following three statements:

  1. You NEED on-demand virtual environments to test and promote your software.
  2. Your environments will require management, and this will get only more pressing as they proliferate.
  3. Collaboration around integration tests is the key to scaling modern development.

Skytap’s current and future product offerings reflect these statements and in this new series, we’ll provide the background for how we came to these opinions, while we point out both Skytap’s future and the future of software delivery in general. You’ll get our points of view in a collection of blog posts, podcasts, webinars, infographics, and other interactive sessions where we’ll be discussing DevOps, agile, containers, automation, collaboration, and more.

We hope you enjoy this series and we would love to get your feedback along the way, whether you agree with us or not!

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