Cybersecurity skills gap training blog. Cyber security concept

The Growing Cybersecurity Skills Gap and What to do About it

Cybersecurity attacks are growing at an alarming rate and companies cannot be complacent when it comes to preparing employees and protecting data. According to the Fortinet 2022 Cybersecurity Skills Gap Report, 80% of the 1,000 organizations surveyed experienced at least one breach within the last 12 months and nearly 1 in 5 experienced five or

Maximizing the Value of Self-paced Hands-on Learning with Interactive Lab Guides

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin spoke these words many years ago, but the value and benefit of learning-by-doing is still quite relevant today. Hands-on training increases engagement levels and enables students to interact directly with the subject matter that they’re learning.  The Value

Why Training Organizations Must Combat Continental Drift [Podcast]

While combatting continental drift in the true geographic sense would be foolish, working to turn the tides that have pushed departmental continents away from each other is mandatory for meeting today’s business demands. And no department has perhaps drifted further away from the rest of Pangea as training/learning and development. Our special guest on this week’s

Upcoming Technical Training Roundtables: You’re Invited!

Skytap is getting ready to hit the road to participate in B2B Learn: two roundtable discussions around today’s key trends, challenges, and best practices in technical training, and we’d love for you to join us! These sales-pitch-free events are an awesome opportunity to learn with your peers, Skytap principal product manager Seth Payne, and current training

Baking Quality into Virtual Training [Podcast]

We talk all the time about the real cost of poor quality software making it to production, but what about the equally negative impact that poor quality can have in the delivery of virtual training? EnCompass senior instructional technology specialist, Nina Talley, sat down with us to share some actions that can—and should—be taken before your

Do Your eLearning Metrics Prove Business Impact? Why Not? [Podcast]

For this week’s episode of The Skytap Virtual Training Podcast, we sat down with Clark Quinn at the 2016 Learning Solutions Conference and Expo after attending his session, “Measurement Matters: The How and Why of eLearning Metrics.” Learn why Clark believes “L&D has the opportunity to be the most valuable part of your business” and

Self-Directed Training at CA Technologies

Lots of heat generated by our Virtual Training Lab solution right now at Skytap. A big Training 2016 show going on, a new LMS partnership announced today and more. Sticking to this theme, what makes this CA Education case study so interesting? A global enterprise software company like CA Technologies has hundreds of hands-on classes to offer

New VM Display Feature Conserves Bandwidth, Preserves Quality

In our early-April release, Skytap introduced a new feature to the single-vm toolbar: VM Display Quality Settings. These quality settings allow users to conserve bandwidth by selecting a lower display quality when appropriate and/or necessary. In addition to offering multiple display options, Skytap has adjusted the compression method used by the single-VM view. This means

Training in the Cloud: An Interview with Lee Orrick

Lee Orrick from F5 sits down to discuss how F5 made the decision to move their training to the cloud, in order to relieve some of the pain points—cost, time away from work, shipping of hardware around the world—from their business. Learn how F5 ensured the cloud would provide the legal coverage, licensing issues, and

Skytap Leadership at Upcoming Industry Events

In the coming months, Skytap leadership will be attending a number of industry events, including Agile 2013, VMworld, Camp IT, and STARWEST. The Skytap team will be providing live demonstrations of Skytap Cloud, including how our software is used by enterprise customers for development and testing, software demonstrations and evaluations, and virtual training environments. Agile

Virtual Training: How to Find Your Easy Button

I recently did a piece for on how training organizations can create scalable, component-based virtual training solutions that will pivot around their specific needs. For most trainers, life isn’t like a Staples commercial where a big, red “Easy” button can solve complex problems—a problem, for example, like creating a virtual classroom for registered students